
Romanian Jazz


+Dedeian, Capriel

Capriel Dedeian (n. 19 decembrie 1960, Bucuresti) este un chitarist si compozitor roman de origine armeana, membru al Uniunii Compozitorilor si Muzicologilor din Romania.

Incepe studiul chitarei la 14 ani ca autodidact si este atras de jazz inca din adolescenta, dintre preferatii sai facand parte Radu Goldis, Joe Pass, Wes Montgomery, Pat Matino si George Benson. In anul 1976 intra in primul grup alcatuit cu fratele sau, saxofonistul Garbis Dedeian, bateristul Tudy Zaharescu si Mario Dumitrescu (chitara bas). Incepând din anul 1980 canta prin diverse localuri de noapte si restaurante, exersand in acest timp diverse genuri muzicale. In paralel cu studiul chitarei elaboreaza primele compozitii, iar in 1982 isi alcatuieste primul cvartet de jazz rock, care ii mai are in componenta pe: Sorin Raicovescu (claviaturi), Dragos Docan (chitara bas) si Eugen Nichiteanu (baterie). Grupul activeaza prin cluburile bucurestene pana in 1984. 

In 1992 pleaca în turneu in Germania, unde se stabileste pentru trei ani, si revine in tara in toamna lui 1996. Din anul urmator, activitatea de scena a chitaristului scade simtitor, participand la concerte sporadice de club in Bucuresti sau in alte orase romanesti alaturi de grupul fratelui sau. Apar cateva noi piese de muzica usoara. Incepand cu toamna anului 2010, Capriel a inceput lucrul la doua discuri: primul se concentreaza pe muzica jazz rock practicata in prima perioada de creatie, iar al doilea se doreste o continuare a discului Carun, carun, muzica armeneasca, un disc care va fi editat in Statele Unite ale Americii. Incepand cu anul 2009 colaboreaza cu trupa Jazz Challenge (Dan Nicolau - trompeta, Alex Borsan - pian, Adrian Flautistu - bas, Laurentiu Zmau - tobe) cu care sustine numeroase concerte de club.

La Gala Premiilor de Jazz 2010, grupului Capriel Dedeian & Jazz Challenge i s-a acordat premiul „Confirmarea anului”, îndeosebi pentru concertul aniversar „Capriel Dedeian 50 Birthday Concert” de la Sala Arcub. 

+Dedeian, Garbis

Garbis Dedeian (n.24 aprilie 1959, Bucuresti) este un compozitor si saxofonist de jazz.

A abolvit Liceul de muzica nr.1 (sectia pian), si Scoala Populara de Arta (clarinet), insa a urmat si studii de compozitie si orchestratie cu Richard Bartzer.

Debuteaza in 1977, in cluburile de jazz din capitala: Mihai Eminescu si Ateneul Tineretului, conduse de Mihai Berindei. In 1979 participa cu Big Band-ul Centrului Universitar Bucuresti condus de G. Margarint la Festivalul de Jazz de la Sibiu, iar in 1981 apare cu grupul «Jazz Club 303» in cadrul aceluiasi festival. In 1982 participa cu cvartetul propriu la acelaşi festival unde obţine locul al doilea al formaţiilor debutante ceea ce va insemna pentru el si consacrarea. Tot in acest an incepe colaborarea cu formatia VILMANI cu care va participa la festivalurile de la Mamaia, concertele din ciclul «Cu masca, fara masca», la concertele concurs «Melodia anului», inregistrari Radio, Tv, Electrecord. In perioada 1982-1989 participa la toate manifestarile festivaliere din tara si inregistreaza discuri cu: Alexandru Andries, formatiile Metropol si Mihai Stepan.

In 1986 deschide cu cvartetul propriu clubul de jazz Nord situat in incinta Hotelului cu acelasi nume. De mentionat ca in aceasta perioada (1982-1989) Garbis Dedeian se manifesta si in plan componistic (primul sau Opus datand din 1977, piesa intitulata Detaliu, dar si ca aranjor (orchestraza pentru VILMANI, Grigoriu, Giroveanu, Alifantis si altii).

In 1984 este desemnat de critica de specialitate din tara ca fiind tenorul numarul doi al tarii, după regretatul Dan Mandrila. Revista internatională Jazz Forum il numeste «The Young Lion» al saxofonului in Romania. Din 1990 Garbis Dedeian incepe sa sustina concerte si peste hotare si tot in acest an inregistreaza cu fratele sau Capriel Dedeian (chitarist, compozitor) albumul cu muzica armeneasca «Carun-Carun».

+Draghici, Damian

Damian Draghici (born March 31, 1970 in BucharestRomania) is a Romanian-Romani musician, best known as nai (pan flute) player, and possibly the most noted exponent of this particular instrument in the world of jazz.

Draghici was born in Bucharest to a family of lautari whose distinguished musical heritage dates back at least seven generations. He started to play lăutărească music in the family and tried an array of instruments but couldn't settle on one particular one. At ten, he was playing the pan flute in a Romani band (taraf), when suddenly everybody stopped because he was playing wrong. He was so ashamed that he decided to stick to the pan flute and practice the instrument very hard everyday up to fifteen hours a day for the next 5 years. His dedication paid off as, by fifteen, he was a renowned prodigy in Romania, performing and recording with the country's National Radio Symphony Orchestra and starring in the National Festival of Romania.

In 1996 the Berklee College of Music offered Draghici a full scholarship. Following the granting of a visa for the United States, he began to study with George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi and Hal Crook. After only a short time in America, he has become recognized for his outstanding ability and talent. Following graduation from college with a Magna Cum Laude majoring in Jazz Performance he relocated to Los Angeles where he start working with major Hollywood film composers. music producers and some of the best musicians in the world, and where he worked on his first major EMI release Damian's Fire with the London Symphony Orchestra and highly acclaimed musicians such as: Vinnie Colaiuta, Dave Weckl, Abraham Laboriel, Neil Stubenhaus, Jimmy Johnson (bassist), John Robinson (drummer), Mike Miller (guitarist), Ramon Stagnaro, Luis Conte, Oscar Castro Neves.

In 2004, Draghici joined as one of the headliners, James Brown, Joe Cocker, reggae star Shaggy, Cyndi Lauper, Zucchero, Gypsy Kings, Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) and The Pointer Sisters for one of Europe's most esteemed musical events the Night of the Proms tour.

In 2006 Draghici decided to come back to his roots,with a new concept and a new group with “his gypsy brothers” as he likes to called them. One of the purposes of “Damian & Brothers, Filarmonika Rromanes” was to change the international perception and the stereotypes over Romani minority through their music. The impact and the huge popularity achieved during three years period of the project now are a confirmation of their common effort.

The official recognition of Drăghici’s efforts and dedication to promoting Romani people came on 20 March 2007 when he was designated by the President of Romania, as Romania’s Ambassador for the Romani minority in the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All and in 2008 as the Ambassador for European Year of 

On November 12, 2010, he showcased his ability to perform some of the most challenging jazz tunes on panflute live on stage in a Bucharest concert together with Clarinet player Eddie Danielsand vocalist Diane Schuur.

On May 8 of 2011 Classical Meets Jazz was a historical event, Damian Draghici and the well known Violinist Nigel Kennedy performed together in the Palace Square, the repertoire included Classical, Jazz and Romanian folk and lautareasca music.

+Dragoi, Emy

Emy Dragoi (b. August 10, 1976, Poiana Varbilau) is a Romanian jazz accordionist.

Since childhood, his father, Bica Dragoi, put the accordion on his knees and taught him the basics of Romanian folklore. At 8 years old, Emy was already playing with his father in restaurants at weddings and christenings. Soon, he attended the Music School in Ploiesti and started to go on country tours organized by different orchestras, playing different styles. At 20 years old, he settled in Paris and started piano studies at the "Bill Evans" Academy. There, he met the best artists of the time, such as Richard Galliano, Marcel Azzola, Didier Lockwood, Birelli Lagrene , Rosenberg. Today, he can count on their friendship and plays with them on the most grandiose stages in the world. 

Today Emy Dragoi is involved in many intercultural projects, both in Romania and France. He is the founder of the European Cultural Centre for Music and Art "Emy Dragoi" in Bucharest and the organizer of festivals, concerts and music classes in Bucharest, some in partnership with the French High-school.



  • Ambasada Elvetiei
  • Green Sound Team
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bucarest
  • Enayati Medical Center


  • Geberit
  • Holcim
  • Best Print
  • Swiss Sponsors Fund