+Andrei, Petrache,
+Badila, Decebal
Nascut la Constanta la 19 februarie 1968, Decebal Badila se inscrie intr-o importanta pleiada de basisti si contrabasisti romani de muzica simfonica, jazz si rock. Initial atras de pian, a devenit curind, un admirator fara rezerve al fratelui sau mai mare, regretatul contrabass-ist virtuoz si profesor de renume international Ovidiu Badila. Astfel, a invatat de timpuriu a stapini tainele acestui instrument, dobindind la virsta de 11 ani primul premiu ca solist la bass-ul acustic, in cadrul Festivalului National de Muzica.
Din 1984 a adoptat ghitara bass; s-a perfectionat in scurt timp, definindu-si o maniera proprie de interpretare. Drept recunoastere a talentului sau, a fost invitat a sustine la Televiziune recitaluri solo. In 1986, topurile de jazz il desemnau deja drept cel mai bun instrumentist la contrabass acustic si bass electric din Romania, motiv pentru care i s-au propus numeroase colaborari cu artisti de jazz si de muzica pop. Intre 1987 si 1990, Decebal Badila a urmat – in paralel cu activitatea sa muzicala, studii de matematica si fizica la Universitatea din Bucuresti. Din 1990, s-a stabilit in Germania, mai intii ca student la Colegiul de Muzica din Köln, pe care l-a absolvit cu titlul „Master Degree with honour”.
L-a cunoscut pe virtuozul pianist Eugen Ciceu - Cicero in Germania dar in august 1994, a colaborat pentru prima oara cu el, in cadrul unui concert sustinut de pianist la Bucuresti. A fost inceputul unei conlucrari neintrerupte intre Decebal Badila si Eugen Cicero, pina la trecerea acestuia in nefiinta, in 1997.
Gratie disponibilitatilor sale de exceptie – tehnica instrumentala surprinzatoare, simt ritmic, memorie si fantezie improvizatorica, subtilitate armonica, cariera lui Decebal Badila atit ca muzician de studio cit si ca performer live a insumat un mare numar de participari la inregistrari, concerte, emisiuni TV si festivaluri de jazz in Europa, Asia, America Latina alaturi de Clark Terry, Sammy Nestico, Bob Mintzer, Larry Coryell, Chaka Khan, The Temptations, The Supremes, Bireli Lagrene, Marc Russo, Brandon Fields, Graham Haynes, Shirley Bassey, Maria Schneider, Koono, Horst Jankowski, Markus Stockhausen, Tony Lakatos, Wolfgang Haffner, Peter Weniger, desigur Eugen Cicero si multi altii.
Discografia proprie cuprinde pina in prezent doua interesante albume de autor: „Nothing But Bass” (1995) care s-a bucurat de o recunoastere internationala pentru harul melodic si imaginatia dovedita in compozitiile sale, si „Archibald’s Dance” (2001), CD de bass solo apreciat pentru putin comuna virtuozitate si muzicalitate, ca si pentru ineditul si modernismul creatiilor.
Din 1997 este membru al Big band-ului „SWR” din Stuttgart. O dimensiune noua venind sa intregeasca in anii din urma portretul artistului, a constituit-o pentru Decebal Badila descoperirea si cunoasterea de la sursa a muzicii braziliene, bass-istul activind adesea in Sao Paolo.
Aparitiile sale la editiile 2004 si 2005 la Festivalul International de Jazz de la Bucuresti au venit sa reconfirme si in tara incontestabila consacrare a artistului pe scenele lumii.
+Balanescu, Alexandru
Alexander Balanescu (born June 11, 1954 in Bucharest, Romania) is a violinist, composer and visual artist. He was born in Romania, raised in Israel and studied violin at London’s Trinity College of Music and the Julliard school in New York. He returned to London where he worked and cooperated with many of the major contemporary music groups.
With his Balanescu Quartet he has acquired a reputation as one of the world’s leading contemporary artist. His quartet has commissioned over 25 works to date beginning with Michael Nyman, Gavin Bryars, Kevin Volans and Balanescu himself, before going on to include the non-classical writers John Lurie, David Byrne, Keith Tippett, Carla Bley, Rabih Abou Khalil, Michael Nyman, Gavin Bryars, Ornette Coleman, Peter Greenaway, David Byrne, the Pet Shop Boys, Spiritualized, Kate Bush and Kraftwerk.
Collaborations as a composer/performer include in dance with Merryl Tankard, Pina Bausch, Rosemary Lee, Suzy Blok, Johann Ulrich, Phillipe Saire and Virgilio Sieni and in Theatre Productions at Theatre de la Place, Liege, Belgrade State Theatre, Cabaret Dromesko, Rennes, and Watford Palace Theatre. Balanescu’s credits as a composer of film and TV music include the feature films Angels and Insects, Le Poulpe, Il Partigiano Johnny and Eisenstein, (TV) documentaries Dancing through Darkness and Spinoza and over 20 animated films… Alexander Balanescu is considered as one of the most visionary and exciting violinists of our time.
+Balogh, Arthur
Currently a doublebass player at the Würtemberg Chamber Orchestra, Arthur Balogh started studying music - piano- at the age of six, at the "Ion Vidu" Music College in Timisoara. At the age of fifteen, he started his doublebass studies with the professor Marian Utanu. During his studies at the National University of Music in Bucharest (where he eventually became an assistant for the jazz class), Arthur Balogh was an employee of the radio national Orchestra. throughout the seven years he spent in Bucharest, he was a notable presence on the national jazz scene, within different formulas (Mircea Tiberian, Aura Urziceanu, Nicolas Simion and many others), and he contributed to the production of 8 discs, namely: Ensemble Raro & Friends – “The Seasons”, Sam Newsome & Lucian Ban – „Romanian - American jazz suite”, Teodora Enache - „Radacini". Arrived in Germany in 2007, he continued his studies at the Music University of Nurnberg, in the class of professor Dorin Marc. After having obtained his Master Diploma, Arthur Balogh played for six months in the National Theater Orchestra in Stuttgart. In 2010, he became doublabass player on in the Würtemberg Chamber Orchestra, Heilbronn. His passion for jazz remains present in the artist's life, whose first album as a band leader will be launched at the end of 2013.
Awards: 2007 – “The best jazz quartet” toghether with Cristian Soleanu, Vlad Popescu, Sorin Romanescu awarded by National Radio Society Romania 2004 – “The best jazz quartet” as side man by Garbis Dedeian Quartet awarded by National Radio Society Romania 2003 – “The Best New Artists” with New Academic Jazz Quartet. "N.A.J.Q." awarded by National Radio Society Romania 2002 – “Great Prize” for the best jazz group with N.A.J.Q. at “Napocensis” Jazz Festival, Cluj, Romania 1998 – First Prize - classical solo double bass – National Music Copetition, Romania
+Ban, Lucian
Twice nominated in 2005 & 2006 for prestigious Hans Koller “Best European Jazz Musician Preis“Award, pianist, bandleader, composer & arranger Lucian Ban (b.1969) is originally from Cluj, Transylvania, Romania. He currently lives in New York City where is part of the next generation of performers & composers at the forefront of contemporary modern jazz. He leads several projects and writes innovative music that reinvents the idiom of jazz music. His compositions are performed & recorded by other musicians and ensembles.
Mr. Ban leads the super group ELEVATION featuring world renowned tenor sax Abraham Burton, Eric McPherson on drums and bassist John Hebert, the ASYMMETRY Quartet feat. Jorge Sylvester (alto sax), Brad Jones (bass) and Derrek Phillips (drums), and The TUBA PROJECT a group featuring the famous Bob Stewart on (tuba), Alex Harding (bari sax), Bruce Williams (alto sax) and Derrek Phillips (drums). He co-leads with renowned bassist John Hebert the acclaimed project “Enesco Re-Imagined” an ensemble that presents a radical re-interpretation of 20th century classical genius George Enesco. An all star group featuring Badal Roy, Tony Malaby, Ralph Alessi, Mat Maneri, Albrecht Maurer and Gerald Cleaver the group toured extensively performing at London Jazz Festival, Barcelona Jazz Fest, Jazz d’Or, Guimaraes Jazz Fest, Glenn Gould Hall, Le Poisson Rouge & Merkin Hall among others. The album was released on Sunnyside Records in 2010 to rave reviews and won several “Best of 2010 Lists” He also co-leads with soprano sax great Sam Newsome “The Romanian-American Jazz Suite” group, a project that presents Romanian Folk music from a jazz perspective. In 2008 their CD bearing the same name was released to great success by Jazzaway Records, followed by successful tours on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2003 the Lumination Ensemble featuring drum legend Barry Altschul was voted "One of the best shows of 2003 " by the All About Jazz Magazine NYC along with Cecil Taylor and Joe Lovano groups.
+Burneci, Sebastian
Sebastian Burneci is a young musician with a thorough training in both classical and jazz music. Born in Constanta, Romania, in a family of musicians, Sebastian started his musical education at the age of 6 with piano and trumpet. Besides the love for classical music inherited from his mother, Sebastian discovers the fabulous world of jazz, by listening to his father’s LP’s.
Upon graduating the “Regina Maria” Music Lyceum in Constanta, he moved to Bucharest in 2001. In the Romanian capital he studied classical trumpet with Iancu Vaduva at the Romanian National Music University and started collaborating with both Romanian National Radio Symphonic Orchestra and the Romanian National Philharmonic. He soon became one of the most important figures of the trumpet business. The Romanian National Radio Society offered him the lead trumpet chair at the National Radio Big Band led by Ionel Tudor. To support him self through school, Sebastian also started playing with several pop-rock bands, soon to become a “professional side-man”.
Still his goal was to become an international jazz trumpet player and this is why, upon graduating in 2006, he moved to The Netherlands. He is currently living in Amsterdam and is studying the second major in jazz trumpet at the Prins Claus Conservatorium in Groningen with Alex Sipiagin, Kurt Weiss, Peter van Soest and had previously studied with Brian Lynch (2007).
As a big band member he played in the youth orchestra conducted by Peter Herbolzheimer. Sebastian is also playing with several dutch big bands such as “Jumpin Jazz Orchestra” led by Jelle Visser , “Stage Band” led by Bert Pfeiffer, “West Coast Big Band” led by Kurt Weiss, among others. Sebastian also continues to be involved in the classical music scene with a piano duo together with the Romanian pianist and conductor Simona Strungaru.
+Butoi, Liviu
Liviu Butoi este un muzician roman de jazz. In perioada 1970 - 1972 a facut parte din formatia Phoenix, cantand la oboi si flaut. In 1983 a infiintat formatia Crepuscul. A mai cantat la saxofon si flaut in formatia Bega Blues Band, dupa 1989, formatie din care face parte si Bela Kamocsa, alt fost component al trupei Phoenix.
+Dedeian, Capriel
Capriel Dedeian (n. 19 decembrie 1960, Bucuresti) este un chitarist si compozitor roman de origine armeana, membru al Uniunii Compozitorilor si Muzicologilor din Romania.
Incepe studiul chitarei la 14 ani ca autodidact si este atras de jazz inca din adolescenta, dintre preferatii sai facand parte Radu Goldis, Joe Pass, Wes Montgomery, Pat Matino si George Benson. In anul 1976 intra in primul grup alcatuit cu fratele sau, saxofonistul Garbis Dedeian, bateristul Tudy Zaharescu si Mario Dumitrescu (chitara bas). Incepând din anul 1980 canta prin diverse localuri de noapte si restaurante, exersand in acest timp diverse genuri muzicale. In paralel cu studiul chitarei elaboreaza primele compozitii, iar in 1982 isi alcatuieste primul cvartet de jazz rock, care ii mai are in componenta pe: Sorin Raicovescu (claviaturi), Dragos Docan (chitara bas) si Eugen Nichiteanu (baterie). Grupul activeaza prin cluburile bucurestene pana in 1984.
In 1992 pleaca în turneu in Germania, unde se stabileste pentru trei ani, si revine in tara in toamna lui 1996. Din anul urmator, activitatea de scena a chitaristului scade simtitor, participand la concerte sporadice de club in Bucuresti sau in alte orase romanesti alaturi de grupul fratelui sau. Apar cateva noi piese de muzica usoara. Incepand cu toamna anului 2010, Capriel a inceput lucrul la doua discuri: primul se concentreaza pe muzica jazz rock practicata in prima perioada de creatie, iar al doilea se doreste o continuare a discului Carun, carun, muzica armeneasca, un disc care va fi editat in Statele Unite ale Americii. Incepand cu anul 2009 colaboreaza cu trupa Jazz Challenge (Dan Nicolau - trompeta, Alex Borsan - pian, Adrian Flautistu - bas, Laurentiu Zmau - tobe) cu care sustine numeroase concerte de club.
La Gala Premiilor de Jazz 2010, grupului Capriel Dedeian & Jazz Challenge i s-a acordat premiul „Confirmarea anului”, îndeosebi pentru concertul aniversar „Capriel Dedeian 50 Birthday Concert” de la Sala Arcub.
+Dedeian, Garbis
Garbis Dedeian (n.24 aprilie 1959, Bucuresti) este un compozitor si saxofonist de jazz.
A abolvit Liceul de muzica nr.1 (sectia pian), si Scoala Populara de Arta (clarinet), insa a urmat si studii de compozitie si orchestratie cu Richard Bartzer.
Debuteaza in 1977, in cluburile de jazz din capitala: Mihai Eminescu si Ateneul Tineretului, conduse de Mihai Berindei. In 1979 participa cu Big Band-ul Centrului Universitar Bucuresti condus de G. Margarint la Festivalul de Jazz de la Sibiu, iar in 1981 apare cu grupul «Jazz Club 303» in cadrul aceluiasi festival. In 1982 participa cu cvartetul propriu la acelaşi festival unde obţine locul al doilea al formaţiilor debutante ceea ce va insemna pentru el si consacrarea. Tot in acest an incepe colaborarea cu formatia VILMANI cu care va participa la festivalurile de la Mamaia, concertele din ciclul «Cu masca, fara masca», la concertele concurs «Melodia anului», inregistrari Radio, Tv, Electrecord. In perioada 1982-1989 participa la toate manifestarile festivaliere din tara si inregistreaza discuri cu: Alexandru Andries, formatiile Metropol si Mihai Stepan.
In 1986 deschide cu cvartetul propriu clubul de jazz Nord situat in incinta Hotelului cu acelasi nume. De mentionat ca in aceasta perioada (1982-1989) Garbis Dedeian se manifesta si in plan componistic (primul sau Opus datand din 1977, piesa intitulata Detaliu, dar si ca aranjor (orchestraza pentru VILMANI, Grigoriu, Giroveanu, Alifantis si altii).
In 1984 este desemnat de critica de specialitate din tara ca fiind tenorul numarul doi al tarii, după regretatul Dan Mandrila. Revista internatională Jazz Forum il numeste «The Young Lion» al saxofonului in Romania. Din 1990 Garbis Dedeian incepe sa sustina concerte si peste hotare si tot in acest an inregistreaza cu fratele sau Capriel Dedeian (chitarist, compozitor) albumul cu muzica armeneasca «Carun-Carun».
+Draghici, Damian
Damian Draghici (born March 31, 1970 in Bucharest, Romania) is a Romanian-Romani musician, best known as nai (pan flute) player, and possibly the most noted exponent of this particular instrument in the world of jazz.
Draghici was born in Bucharest to a family of lautari whose distinguished musical heritage dates back at least seven generations. He started to play lăutărească music in the family and tried an array of instruments but couldn't settle on one particular one. At ten, he was playing the pan flute in a Romani band (taraf), when suddenly everybody stopped because he was playing wrong. He was so ashamed that he decided to stick to the pan flute and practice the instrument very hard everyday up to fifteen hours a day for the next 5 years. His dedication paid off as, by fifteen, he was a renowned prodigy in Romania, performing and recording with the country's National Radio Symphony Orchestra and starring in the National Festival of Romania.
In 1996 the Berklee College of Music offered Draghici a full scholarship. Following the granting of a visa for the United States, he began to study with George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi and Hal Crook. After only a short time in America, he has become recognized for his outstanding ability and talent. Following graduation from college with a Magna Cum Laude majoring in Jazz Performance he relocated to Los Angeles where he start working with major Hollywood film composers. music producers and some of the best musicians in the world, and where he worked on his first major EMI release Damian's Fire with the London Symphony Orchestra and highly acclaimed musicians such as: Vinnie Colaiuta, Dave Weckl, Abraham Laboriel, Neil Stubenhaus, Jimmy Johnson (bassist), John Robinson (drummer), Mike Miller (guitarist), Ramon Stagnaro, Luis Conte, Oscar Castro Neves.
In 2004, Draghici joined as one of the headliners, James Brown, Joe Cocker, reggae star Shaggy, Cyndi Lauper, Zucchero, Gypsy Kings, Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) and The Pointer Sisters for one of Europe's most esteemed musical events the Night of the Proms tour.
In 2006 Draghici decided to come back to his roots,with a new concept and a new group with “his gypsy brothers” as he likes to called them. One of the purposes of “Damian & Brothers, Filarmonika Rromanes” was to change the international perception and the stereotypes over Romani minority through their music. The impact and the huge popularity achieved during three years period of the project now are a confirmation of their common effort.
The official recognition of Drăghici’s efforts and dedication to promoting Romani people came on 20 March 2007 when he was designated by the President of Romania, as Romania’s Ambassador for the Romani minority in the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All and in 2008 as the Ambassador for European Year of
On November 12, 2010, he showcased his ability to perform some of the most challenging jazz tunes on panflute live on stage in a Bucharest concert together with Clarinet player Eddie Danielsand vocalist Diane Schuur.
On May 8 of 2011 Classical Meets Jazz was a historical event, Damian Draghici and the well known Violinist Nigel Kennedy performed together in the Palace Square, the repertoire included Classical, Jazz and Romanian folk and lautareasca music.
+Dragoi, Emy
Emy Dragoi (b. August 10, 1976, Poiana Varbilau) is a Romanian jazz accordionist.
Since childhood, his father, Bica Dragoi, put the accordion on his knees and taught him the basics of Romanian folklore. At 8 years old, Emy was already playing with his father in restaurants at weddings and christenings. Soon, he attended the Music School in Ploiesti and started to go on country tours organized by different orchestras, playing different styles. At 20 years old, he settled in Paris and started piano studies at the "Bill Evans" Academy. There, he met the best artists of the time, such as Richard Galliano, Marcel Azzola, Didier Lockwood, Birelli Lagrene , Rosenberg. Today, he can count on their friendship and plays with them on the most grandiose stages in the world.
Today Emy Dragoi is involved in many intercultural projects, both in Romania and France. He is the founder of the European Cultural Centre for Music and Art "Emy Dragoi" in Bucharest and the organizer of festivals, concerts and music classes in Bucharest, some in partnership with the French High-school.
+Enache, Teodora
In a musical career that spans over almost 20 years, Teodora Enache has built a genuine cultural bridge between Romania - her homeland, and the USA - the land of jazz. Her first major project, which launched her first of all on the European music scene (in 2002) and then in the USA as well (in 2003), was called BACK TO THE ROOTS. In 2004 she was sent to the USA by the American Government, through the International Visitors Program, and thus she managed to further develop the bridge between the Romanian and the American jazz.
Teodora was described by the UPI (E. Evita) as ”the new Ella Fitzgerald, coming from Romania”. In 2004, she released in California the first jazz DVD featuring Romanian musicians – “Teodora Enache and Johnny Raducanu - 2 Icons of Jazz”. Teodora and Johnny received two awards for the best musical on the West Coast at the Poppy Jasper Festival. Since 2004, she performed with renowned jazz musicians like Curtis Fuller, Les Paul, Stanley Jordan, Ricardo Scale, Darius Brubeck, Burton Greene in important venues in the USA, such as: the Library of Congress, the Corcoran Museum, the Art Museum and the Legion of Honour Museum in San Francisco, Columbia University, CalTech University and the Kuumbwa Jazz Centre. In the meantime, she continued to tour throughout the world – in Montreal, Montreux, Marciac, Budapest, Panama, Paris, Vienna, Milan, Stockholm, Strasbourg. Teodora was awarded with the Excellence Prize for the most important international contribution by a Romanian jazz musician - by the Romanian Broadcasting Company (Societatea Română de Radiodifuziune).
+Farcas, Nicolae
Nicolae „Nicu” Farcas (n. 1939, Brateiu, judetul Sibiu) este un trombonist roman.
Absolvent al Scolii de Muzica nr.1 din Bucuresti, a fost angajat al teatrului "Constantin Tanase" (1962-1963), colaborator al orchestrei "Electrorecord", angajat al Operei Romane (1970-197) dar si al orchestrei de estrada a Radioteleviziunii. A fost membru al Septetului "Bucuresti". A intregistrat alaturi de alti cantareti de jazz romani, printre care Aura Urziceanu, Johnny Raducanu, Guido Manusardi sau Dan Mandrila.
+Golcea, Vlaicu
Vlaicu Golcea este un muzician de jazz, contrabasist, sound designer, producator.
Absolvent al Academiei de Muzica Bucuresti - sectia jazz - 1998 si membru al Uniunii Compozitorilor si Muzicologilor din Romania.
Cu o discografie de peste 30 de titluri aparute in tara si peste hotare si o bogata activitate concertistica, compozitor si muzician de jazz, Vlaicu Golcea isi desfasoara activitatea muzicala si in diverse domenii: muzica de teatru, de dans contemporan, film ( lung si scurt metraj ), instalatii multimedia.
+Goldis, Radu
Radu Goldis (n. 1947, Bucuresti) este un chitarist si compozitor de muzica de jazz originar din Romania, actualmente stabilit in Statele Unite ale Americii.
Absolvent al Conservatorului Ciprian Porumbescu (sectia muzicologie), a fost influentat de Kenny Burrell, Joe Pass, Wes Montgomery si Rune Gustafsson. A colaborat cu multi jazzmeni romani cunoscuti, printre care Johnny Raducanu si Eugen Gondi. Este compozitorul muzicii filmelor Zile fierbinti si Accident (ambele 1976).
+Gondi, Eugen
Eugen Gondi (b. 1947, in Timişoara) is a Romanian-born jazz drummer.
He graduated from the Arts Middle School in his hometown. He started his musical career by playing with the "Paul Weiner Free Jazz" trio. Eugen Gondi has played with many famous Romanian jazz players, like Marius Popp, Johnny Raducanu, Garbis Dedeian, Radu Goldis, Pedro Negrescu, Dan Mandrilă, Jan Jankeje, Liviu Butoi. For a time, in 1974, he was the drummer of rock band Transsylvania Phoenix and participated at several jazz festivals, such as the ones in Ploiesti, Sibiu, San Sebastian, Warsaw, Prerov and Ljubliana.
Currently residing in The Netherlands.
+Hristea, Marta
Jazz singer, lyricist, composer born in Bucharest in 1975. Education: Faculty of Letters (University of Bucharest) Worked with (among others): Johnny Raducanu, Mircea Tiberian, Adam Pieronczyck, Maurice De Martin, Horst Nonnenmacher, Vladimir Karparov, Topo Gioia, Herb Robertson, Tom Smith, Ben Abarbanel);
+Imre, Alexandru
Alexandru (Sanyi) Imre (n. 1924, Targu Mures) este un dirijor, clarinetist si saxofonist din Romania.
A studiat la Academia de muzica din Cluj-Napoca, dupa care a cantat la diferite cluburi din Bucuresti (1940-1950). Intre 1951-1957 a fost prim-clarinetist al Orchestrei simfonice a Cinematografiei, după care a fost dirijor al orchestrei Electrecord. A efectuat turnee in URSS, Germania, Elvetia, Suedia etc.
+Iordache, Mihai
Born in Bucharest, Mihai Iordache began playing saxophone in 1990 under the influence of Charlie Parker, Lee Konitz and Ornette Coleman. His first professional break was playing a solo on a tune recorded by Timpuri Noi. In 1993 he joined Harry Tavitian's Blues Community for a brief period of time. Later that year, prompted by friend and lyricist Florin Dumitrescu he formed a punk rock group called Sarmalele Reci. In 1999 he left the band and started working with pianist Lucian Ban, Vlaicu Golcea's Rebop Factory and Harry Tavitian's Orient Express.
Since 2001 he began writing his own music and released two albums as a leader: Friday - featuring Tom Smith in 2003 and dissipatin' in 2005. He also started using "iordache" as a stage name. He describes his style as "Free funk". Inspired by the DIY aesthetic of artists such as Sun Ra and Eugene Chadbourne he produced a series of homemade records, documenting his live performances. Since 2003 he joined alternative rock band Kumm.
+Kamocsa, Bela
Bela Kamocsa „Kamo” (n. 24 decembrie 1944, Oradea — d. 14 ianuarie 2010, Timisoara) a fost un instrumentist (chitara bas, chitara electrica) si cantaret roman de etnie maghiara, interpret de muzica rock, blues si jazz. Este cel mai bine cunoscut ca membru fondator (1962) al formatiei romanesti Phoenix, unde a fost prezent pana in anul 1971. In 1982 intemeiaza Bega Blues Band, una dintre primele formatii romanesti dedicate muzicii blues, alaturi de care isi petrece restul carierei.
Mai putin cunoscuta este activitatea lui in formația jazz-rock Gramophon (1972–1976, 1978–1981) si in trioul de jazz Theophrastus (1981). Kamocsa este fondatorul Galei blues-jazz internationale din Timisoara (1990) si a Festivalului de jazz de la Garana.
+Kusak, Raul
Raul Kusak provine dintr-o familie muzicala, caci mama stia sa cante la pian, iar unul dintre strabunicii sai a fost trompetist in primul Razboi Mondial. Dupa ce s-a perfectionat la Palatul Copiilor din Zalau, a decis ca se va ocupa serios de muzica. In 2000, dupa ce a absolvit Conservatorul, Raul Kusak era deja un nume cunoscut în lumea muzicala, asa ca a ajuns extrem de repede la Bucuresti, unde a avut colaborari cu artisti si trupe renumite: Stefan Banică Jr., Paula Seling, Iris, Vama Veche.
+Mădălina, Pașol
+Man, Alex
Alexandru Man was born on 23 august 1969, and was raised in Targu Mures. He started to learn to play the guitar in 1983. In the ‘80s he played rock, being the founding member of Polifon, a rock band from Targu Mures.
Beginning with the '90s, when the gates to information opened wide, having easy access to jazz learning materials, he started leaning towards jazz music. In the second half of the ‘90s, besides his trio with Zsolt Nagy and Zoltan Hollandos, he collaborated with jazz musicians such as Maria Raducanu, Sorin Romanescu, Eddie Neumann, Cristi Soleanu, Catalin Razvan, Ciprian and Tudor Parghel, Marius Popp, the Jazz Unit band, etc. At the end of the '90s he played in the orchestra of the National Theater of Targu Mures with Zsolt Nagy and Lajos Bibo.
After the year 2000 he played in Scandinavia. Until 2007 his musical activity was rather sporadic, at the rare times, when he did appear on stage, he collaborated with renowned artists.
In 2010 he graduated from the Richard Oschanitzky Jazz Faculty of the Tibiscus University from Timisoara. During his years of study he had the chance to play with American musicians such as Eldad Tarmu and Henry Franklin and was asked to participate in new projects such as the newly reformed Bega Blues Band, in which he still takes part at the present. His frequent collaborations with the saxophonist Lucian Nagy or his projects with contrabass player Pedro Negrescu were the first signs of a new era. Intensifying his musical activity he worked together with Luiza Zan and the Mc Neese State University big band lead by saxophone player Rick Condit.
In 2010 he also came together on stage with Istvan Gyarfas. The collaboration with Istvan proved to be a fruitful one. Developing their project the two formed a guitar quartet with Sorin Romanescu and Gabor Juhasz. Recently he took part in an international project with artists from four states: The Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Romania. He frequently collaborates with the guitarist Sorin Romanescu in the Standards On Double Six project, initiated in 2010. Luiza Zan also takes part in this project.
At the moment he is an MA student at the jazz section of the Faculty of Composition Musicology and Music Pedagogy of the National University of Music in Bucharest.
+Mandrila, Dan
Dan Mandrila (n. 1938, Chisinau — d. 31 decembrie 1992) a fost un saxofonist, conducator de formatie si compozitor roman de jazz si muzica usoara. Este considerat unul dintre cei mai buni saxofonisti romani din toate timpurile.
+Mezei, Gabriel
Gabriel „Gabi” Mezei (n. 1921, Abrud) este un chitarist si clarinetist de jazz.
Nascut intr-o familie de muzicieni, face studii particulare. In anii '50 este membru al orchestrei „Electrecord” condusa de Teodor Cosma si al orchestrelor de la restaurantele „Zissu” si „Mon Jardin”.
Este considerat „cel mai bun acompaniator roman de stil clasic avand un ritm riguros, precis ce degajeaza un puternic swing” (Mihai Berindei, Dictionar de jazz, Ed. Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1976, p. 181)
+Milea, Catalin
Catalin Milea is one of the most creative and active Romanian saxophonists and jazz exponents of his generation that has developed a unique voice as a composer and as a performer. Awarded the prestigious Huygens Beurs (Dutch Government Scholarship) for 2008-10 and supported by the Makarov Foundation, the saxophonist has recorded one album – ”Re-Bop Unit featuring Dick Oatts“ having as guest one of the most acclaimed musicians and educators from New York, Dick Oatts. Winner of numerous competitions Catalin Milea performed and had recordings and concerts with various artists/ensembles as a leader or as a guest.
With his latest project called CONFLUENCE - having Lucian Ban on piano, Carlo de Rosa on bass and Tommy Crane on drums, he toured the Netherlands and performed at the Brussels Jazz Marathon 2011. In the fall of 2011 he started a project dedicated to the Romanian post-revolution generation P.L.U.G. (Pursuing Legacy Underground Group) that had its debut at Porgy & Bess, Vienna, being a groundbreaking concept that addresses socio-political issues of the contemporary Romanian society.
Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania into a family of music lovers, around the age of 18 he was working in order to pay for his music lessons and to buy his first saxophone. During this period Catalin Milea had a decisive encounter that directed him to his vocation: the music of John Coltrane. He soon became very demanded on the local scene, but chose to further his studies abroad. He graduated the Bucharest Music University (2006) before receiving a bachelor degree from Prins Claus Conservatoire (2010) and a master degree from The Hague Royal Conservatory (2012). During this period he won the “Artistry of Dick Oatts and Young Musicians” jazz competition, participated at the “Dutch Jazz Day”, “The Hague Jazz Festival” and toured Romania in a marathon called ”JAZZ IMMIGRATION“ with the group “Re-Bop Unit” co-leaded with the guitarist George Dumitriu. Catalin Milea was a member of the “European Youth Jazz Orchestra” led by Peter Herbolzheimer.
+Mindru, Elena
Elena Mindru (b.1988, Cluj) studied classical violin and piano as a child, until she met jazz at the age of 15. By that time I also got very interested into mathematics, but after four years of intensive study she realized that nothing compares with the satisfaction you get from music. Hence, she took up the musical journey and applied to Berklee College of Music, Boston, but the scholarship received was not enough so Elena continued to study classical composition at the “Gheorghe Dima” Academy of Music under the guidance of wonderful teachers such as Adrian Pop, Peter Szegho, Cornel Groza or Cornel Taranu.
In 2008 and 2009 Elena participated in vocal workshops with the voice expert Mary King at the Royal Academy of Music, London, UK and in 2010 she attended a jazz course taught by Darius Brubeck for one semester, in the same time playing with famous musicians such as Sorin Romanescu, Lucian Nagy, Andrei Tudor, Patrice Rushen, Will Kennedy, Darius Brubeck, Alfredo Paixao, Hans Vrooman, Borislav Petrov and many others.
At the moment, she resides in Helsinki, continuing the NOMAZZ journey at Sibelius Academy.
Elena participated to several jazz festivals and competitions around Europe, but the most important experience that I had was in July 2012, in Switzerland, where I was awarded the 2nd Prize and the Public Prize by a jury presided by the great Quincy Jones, at the Montreux Jazz Festival.
In 2012 Elena started her own record label (EM Records), where she produced her jazz album, Romanian Christmas Stories, recorded in October 2011 with her jazz quintet.
+Negrescu, Pedro
Pedro Negrescu (pe numele real Petronius Aciocarlanoaei) (n. 25 aprilie 1969, Tecuci) este un profesor, instrumentist, regizor muzical si contrabasist de jazz si dirijor de muzica clasica.
A debutat la clasa ilustrului profesor Valentin Gabrielescu, unde, facand parte din grupa speciala de auz absolut, era aproape in exclusivitate castigatorul concursului de solfegiu - dictat, iar drept premiu era bagheta, si deci dreptul de a dirija clasa. A inceput studiile de orchestra ca violoncelist, inca din gimnaziu, la Liceul de Arta "G. Enescu" din Bucuresti. A urmat cursurile de orchestra la Haendel Akademie - Karlsruhe - Germania in 2000, 2001, 2003, atat la sectiunea instrumentala, cat si cea de opera. In anul 2008 a beneficiat de o bursa post-universitara in S.U.A.,unde a fost asistent dirijor al maestrului Larry Livingston, si a participat ca instrumentist in Orchestra Idellwild Festival, cu care a concertat la celebra Disney Hall. A asistat deasemenea la repetitiile orchestrelor Los Angeles Philarmonyc, Pacific Symphony, Los Angeles Opera, U.S.C. Thornton Orchestra. In urma acestor studii, a obtinut Certificate of Highest Distinction.
Ca dirijor, a sustinut concerte cu orchestrele Filarmonicilor din: Arad, Timisoara, Cluj, Bacau, Botosani, Iasi, a Teatrului Muzical N. Leonard din Galati, si a Tearului de Opereta din Kiev. Din anul 2000, se dedica aproape in intregime artei dirijorale, parcurgand etape de studiu in particular, de masterat si de doctorat, avandu-i ca profesori pe Petru Andriesei, Cristian Brancusi, Dumitru Goia. A mai studiat cu maestrii: Petru Oshanitsky, Sabin Pautza, Larry Livingston, Ilarion Ionescu Galati, Valentin Doni. Ca muzician de jazz, a sustinut numeroase concerte, realizand foarte multe inregistrari de radio si televiziune. Este autorul a trei albume proprii si totodata autor al unor muzici de teatru si film. Dupa o indelungata cariera didactica, in prezent este profesor la Universitatea de Arta Teatrala din Targu Mures, Facultatea de Muzica.
+Neumann, Eduard, Jack
+Niculescu, Florin
Florin Niculescu (b. February 8, 1967 in Bucharest) is a Romanian violinist of Romani (Gypsy) ethnicity. He is considered one of the best jazz manouche violinist of our days, the successor of Seéphane Grappelli. He is noted for his impressive technique and virtuosity as well as for his musical sensitivity.
Niculescu was born into a family of educated lăutari. Everybody in his family was involved in music: his father and his uncle were violinists, his mother a pianist and his sister a cellist. He received his first violin lessons from his father, with whom he started to study seriously when he was 4-5 years old. At 6 he enrolled at the "Dinu Lipatti" Music School and then at the "George Enescu" Music High School, where he was a first prize student. Meanwhile he played with his father at weddings and celebrations, where he developed his improvisatory sense. When he was about 13 he heard for the first time violinist Stéphane Grappelli, who would become his idol and jazz music his main attraction.
In 1991 he left for Paris to fulfill his dream of meeting Stéphane Grappelli and making a name in jazz for himself. He got his first gig at a Russian cabaret. He also enrolled in the Conservatoire de Paris, although his jazz teacher told him from the first audition that he shouldn't waste his time there, instead he should be playing on stage. Meanwhile, he continued to play on various scenes with various musicians. Niculescu finally met his idol, Stéphane Grappelli, in 1994. Grappelli was so impressed by him that he proposed him to record a disc together. Niculescu declined the offer believing that he didn't deserve the honor, yet. He hoped to receive some lessons from Stéphane Grappelli, but Grappelli told him that he has nothing to teach him as the Romani have a fantastic natural technique. In 1995 he joined Romane's band and, in 2001, he was invited by Biréli Lagrène to join his "Gipsy Project", inspired by the Quintette du Hot Club de France. The couple Biréli Lagrène-Florin Niculescu succeeded the couple Django Reinhardt-Stéphane Grappelli. Meanwhile he started to record musical albums under his name and to have numerous collaborations with other musicians: Jimmy Rosenberg, Babik Reinhardt (son of Django Reinhardt), Giani Lincan, Angelo Debarre, Hot Club de Norvège, Tchavolo Schmitt, Oscar Peterson, Jon Larsen, John McLaughlin, George Benson, Marcel Azzola, Regina Carter, Bucky Pizzarelli, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Wynton Marsalis, Angela Gheorghiu and Roberto Alagna.
+Oschanitzky, Richard
Richard Waldemar Oschanitzky (n. 24 februarie 1939, Timsșoara - d. 5 aprilie 1979, Bucuresti) a fost un compozitor, aranjor, pianist si dirijor roman, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti muzicieni de jazz ai Romaniei.
A fost studentul clasei de compozitie condusa de Mihail Jora la Conservatorul din Bucuresti (1955-1959). S-a afirmat incepand din 1959 in domeniul jazz-ului, impresionand muzicienii si publicul prin talentul, ingeniozitatea improvizatiilor si tehnica pianistica desavarsita. Sute de aranjamente si orchestratii pentru casa de discuri "Electrecord", Radio-televiziune, pentru spectacole de teatru, muzica originala compusa pentru filme de animatie si filme artistice, sute de recitaluri si concerte de jazz in Romania, Germania, etc., piese de jazz in stiluri diferite (de la bop, cool, la free-jazz) reprezinta o activitate uimitor de diversa, densa si valoroasa, concentrata pe durata a numai doua decenii (1959-1979). Suma creativitatii lui Richard Oschanitzky poate fi descoperita in muzica de film si in opus-urile de jazz cameral si jazz simfonic.
A fost considerat unul dintre cei mai valorosi compozitori romani de muzica de film. A inceput ca autor de partituri pentru productiile documentare si de animatie realizate la „Sahia Film” si la „Animafilm”. In 1966 a pasit in universul filmului artistic, odata cu Stefan Iordache si Margareta Paslaru, protagonistii unui „Film cu o fata fermecatoare”.
A colaborat cu regizori de renume: Malvina Ursianu, Serban Creanga, Sergiu Nicolaescu, Gheorghe Vitanidis. In anii '70 a orchestrat compozitiile lui Ciprian Porumbescu pentru pelicula cu acelasi titlu, a compus muzica originală pentru "Cu manile curate". A scris partitura pentru muzicalul „Nu sunt Turnul Eiffel” de Ecaterina Oproiu, pentru „Comedia Gamelor” de Andrei Bradeanu – ambele premiate la concursuri internationale. A colaborat în 1968 la Teatrul Bulandra cu maestrul Liviu Ciulei la Opera de trei parale de Bertolt Brecht, cu Margareta Paslaru si Toma Caragiu in distributie.
Anii petrecuti ca interpret, aranjor, orchestrator si compozitor in genurile mentionate au favorizat aparitia capodoperei sale: Dublul concert pentru pian, saxofon tenor, orchestra simfonica si bigband 1971. Este una dintre putinele reusite la nivel mondial in genul de fuziune jazz simfonic. Valoarea creatiilor lui Richard Oschanitzky este una de nivel mondial.
"Nu trebuie sa facem nici o diferenta intre muzica clasica, muzica usoara, muzica populara sau jazz. Orice muzica poate fi buna, sau proasta - si atat" (Richard Oschanitzky)
+Parghel, Anca
Anca Parghel (n. 16 septembrie 1957, Campulung Moldovenesc — d. 5 decembrie 2008, Timisoara) a fost o cantareata si profesoara de jazz.
Dupa ce a terminat Liceul de Muzica din Iasi, si-a continuat studiile la Conservatorul de Muzica, tot din Iasi, unde si-a dat licenta cu lucrarea Charlie Parker, un geniu al improvizatiei. Pana in 1989 a predat canto, pian si improvizatie la Liceul de Muzica din Suceava si la Conservatorul din Bucuresti, precum si la Conservatoarele din Belgia, Germania (Leipzig, Munchen, Oldenburg), in Marea Britanie si la Chisinau.
A cantat in cadrul marilor festivaluri de jazz incepand cu 1984 (Bucuresti, Brasov, Sibiu, Nurnberg, Leipzig, Varsovia, Viena, Liège, Munchen, etc), dar si in cluburile de jazz din Romania, Bulgaria, Germania, Belgia, Austria si Elvetia.
Stabilita in Bruxelles, Anca Parghel si-a continuat activitatea la catedra, ca profesor de jazz vocal la Conservatorul Regal de Muzica din Bruxelles si la Conservatorul Lemmens, dar si ca muziciana si vocalista pe scenele de jazz din Belgia, Germania si Olanda in formule de trio, cvartet sau cvintet, a caror componenta cuprinde pe Ciprian Parghel la bass, Tudor Parghel baterie, si Puiu Pascu la pian.
In 2008 Anca Parghel a fost diagnosticata cu caner ovarian, iar pe 5 decembrie 2008 a decedat la Spitalul Județean din Timisoara.
+Popp, Marius
Marius Popp (n. 1935, Sibiu) este un compozitor si pianist de jazz autodidact din Romania.
Participa la multe festivaluri de jazz: Ploiesti, Sibiu, San Sebastian, Ljubliana, Praga, Varsovia etc. Canta cu Lionel Hampton cand acesta a avut un concert in Bucuresti (1971). Membru al sextetului lui Mihai Berindei, al Cvartetului de jazz Bucuresti, colaborator cu Aura Urziceanu, Pedro Negrescu, Eugen Gondi, Johnny Raducanu etc. A efectuat nenumarate inregistrari la Radio si Televiziune, la Electrecord (Seria jazz).
+Raducanu, Johnny
Johnny Raducanu (n. 1 decembrie 1931, Brăila - d. 19 septembrie 2011) a fost un contrabasist, pianist, compozitor, aranjor si conducator de formatie roman de etnie roma.
Pe numele sau real Raducan Cretu, s-a nascut intr-o familie de romi cu traditii muzicale de peste trei sute de ani, de pe timpul lautarului Petre Cretul Solcan. S-a remarcat ca un talentat interpret de jazz la contrabas, inca de la 19 ani. A facut studii muzicale la Iasi si Cluj, apoi la Conservatorul „Ciprian Porumbescu” din Bucuresti (clasa contrabas, 1953-1956). Indrumator activ al tinerei generatii, Johnny Raducanu este considerat un veteran al muzicii romanesti de jazz.
+Raducanu, Maria
Maria Raducanu (b. 3 November 1967, Husi, jud. Vaslui) is a self-taught Romanian ethno jazz singer-songwriter, noted fot the spectrum of her voice and considered as representative of the new Romanian jazz. She mixes jazz with Romanian folk music, songs by Maria Tanase, to whom she has been compared, fado and European music from the 16th century.
+Romanescu, Sorin
Sorin Romanescu (n. 1 iunie 1968) este un chitarist si basist (chitara bas) roman de jazz si de muzica experimentala.
Absolvent al Institutului Politehnic din Bucuresti (facultatea Transporturi), Sorin Romanescu si-a schimbat traiectoria profesionala prin cursuri la Scoala Populara de Arta din Bucuresti (curs de improvizatie jazz la clasa profesorului Marius Popp), urmand apoi facultatea de Compozitie din cadrul Academiei de Muzica Bucuresti. De altfel a continuat sa participe la cursuri internationale de jazz ("Summer Jazz School" in Peruggia, Italia si "Movement on the edge" - curs de improvizatie coregrafica sustinut de coregraful Mark Thompson si compozitorul Nuno Rebelo").
Participa la festivalurile de jazz din Bucuresti, Sibiu, Brasov si Cluj in perioada 1991-2000, dar organizeaza un turneu de jazz si in Germania in 1996. Are colaborari cu muzicienii de marca ai jazz-ului romanesc din toate generatiile: Marius Popp, Mircea Tiberian, Garbis Dedeian, Nicolas Simion, Toni Kuhn si mai tinerii Vlaicu Golcea, Maria Raducanu, Marta Hristea, Pedro Negrescu, Catalin Razvan, Victor Miclaus, Dinu Simon, Eugen Nichiteanu, Vlad Popescu, Florin Raducanu, Mihai Iordache, Catalin Milea sau Eddi Neumann;
Concertele de club au loc in formule de trio, alaturi de Vlaicu Golcea si Vlad Popescu (Eugen Nichiteanu), abordand un repertoriu bazat in principal pe compozitii proprii. De asemenea este interesat si de muzica de dans contemporan, colaborand cu Vava Stefanescu (cu care participa la festivalul international de dans contemporan AEROWAVES din Londr in ianuarie 1999), Eduard Gabia si Florin Fieroiu.
Colaboreaza cu grupul "Sarmalele reci" in perioada 1993-1996, ca basist si grupul cantaretei Paula Selling "The 7th Heaven". Participa in perioada 2002-2005 la toate manifestarile jazz-istice importante din tara (Sibiu, Brasov, Bucuresti), fiind membru permanent al grupurilor East Village si Aievea.
+Soleanu, Cristian
Cristian Soleanu is a Romanian saxophone player.
1985 - "George Enescu" High school of music, class of clarinet, teacher Adriana Winkler. 2002-2005 - Music Diploma from National University of Music Bucharest.
1990 - until present, saxophone soloist in the Broadcast Romanian Society Bigband. Fellow worker with jazz musicians and improvised music : [Mircea Tiberian], Decebal Badila, Burton Greene, Dusko Goykovich, Arthur Balogh, Vlad Popescu, Dan Ionescu, Ion Baciu Jr, Aura Urziceanu, Shirley Basie, Alex Harding, Dan Mandrila, Garbis Dedeian, Eugen Nichiteanu, Lucian Ban, and many others. Collaborations with National Radio Orchestra of Romania and Bucharest Philarmonic ; with "Archaeus Ensemble".
1992 - 1995 cooperate with theater directors and composers - Alexandru Tocilescu, Cristian Ioan, George Marcu, Mihai Lungeanu - for play and radio theater music. 1995 - music for the contemporary dance performance "Incursiune" by the choreographer Cosmin Manolescu.
+Spanache, Sebastian
Sebastian Spanache is one of the leaders of the next generation of up-and-coming jazz musicians on the Romanian music scene. Sebastian started his musical journey in his home town Timisoara, Romania where he began playing the piano at age 5 and then took up the study of jazz in ninth grade while attending the National College of Arts Ion Vidu. While still studying classical piano in high school, Sebastian founded his first Jazz/Funk band later to have gigged all over Romania and win numerous prizes at student competitions.
After graduating college, he started shifting his playing and compositional directions towards a more modern edge with Latin Jazz and Funk projects and gigs. While attending the National Conservatory of Timisoara, Sebastian also attended the first Jazz-Pop faculty in central-eastern Europe, the Richard Oschanitzky Faculty of Tibiscus University. Sebastian has had the opportunity to play with some of the most influential Jazz musicians from Romania and abroad, and has been previously involved in several personal projects such as Expanding Time Colours and BWL.
Sebastian also writes music for motion pictures and video games and has won prizes from international music contests and reviews in prestigious magazines such as DownBeat and websites such as Gamespot.com, deviantART and JayisGames, and for the last 5 years is also pursuing the stage life of cruise ship gigging.
+Stoianovici, Ștefan
+Stroe, Corneliu
Corneliu Stroe (n. 22 octombrie 1949) este un baterist si percutionist emblematic al jazz-ului din Romania, precum si un important promotor al acestui gen din tara.
In 1986 a fost membru fondator impreuna cu Weinberger, Tavitian, Rotaru a primei formatii de blues din Romania – The Transilvanian Blues Community. Corneliu Stroe a fost si este membru in formatia BalcanoLive, a lui Ovidiu Lipan “Tandarica", de asemenea a colaborat cu Mike Godoroja & Blue Spirit, Vasile Seicaru, Mircea Baniciu, Mircea Vintila, Stelu Enache, Gheorghe Zamfir, Puiu Pascu, Jonny Raducanu, Alexandru Andries,A.G. Weinberger si nu in ultimul rand cu fiica lui - Roxana Stroe, singura chitarista de blues din Romania, in formatia Foxy Lady Band.
A participat la festivaluri prestigioase din Europa, Franta, Germania, Iugoslavia, Serbia, Elvetia, Portugalia, Marea Britanie, Spania, Bulgaria.
+Tavitian, Harry
Harry Tavitian (n. 1952, Constanta) este un pianist de jazz roman, numit "cel mai important jazzman roman contemporan" de catre International Herald Tribune (19 Oct 1990).
Harry Tavitian s-a nascut intr-o familie de armeni din Constanta. A studiat pianul clasic de la varsta de 6 ani iar la 17 ani a inceput sa cante blues, dupa ce-a asistat la un concert de-al lui Memphis Slim in Brașov. A absolvit Academia de Muzica Bucuresti. La 22 de ani a participat la prima editie a Festivalului de Jazz de la Sibiu si a cantat la patru maini cu Richard Oschanitzky intr-un jam-session. Din 1976 s-a dedicat exclusiv jazz-ului. In 1978, la Constanta, a pus bazele grupului Creativ cu care a castigat, in 1980, premiul I pentru debut la Festivalul International de Jazz Sibiu. In perioada 1978-1987 a condus Clubul de Jazz din cadul Bibliotecii Judetene Constanta si a organizat, la Teatrul Dramatic, seria de evenimente "Atelier de improvizatie", manifestare singular pe plan national, insumand 35 de editii. In 1992 a infiintat Fundatia Culturala Harry Tavitian, prin care a continuat seria de Ateliere si a sprijit formarea unor tineri muzicieni, plasticieni si scriitori talentati. Din ianuarie 1990 si pana in prezent este realizator al emisiunilor "Jazz Context" si "Natia si Civilizația Armenilor" de la Radio Constanta.
Ca unul dintre cei mai importanti reprezentanti ai noului jazz est-european, Harry Tavitian a sustinut, in cei peste 35 de ani de activitate, nenumarate concerte peste hotare, in Rusia, Lituania, Franta, Italia, Germania, Bulgaria, Portugalia, Republica Moldova, Serbia, Polonia, Scotia, Ungaria, Grecia, Turcia, Olanda, SUA, Armenia (ca invitat personal al presedintelui Armeniei), Slovacia, Elvetia, Cehia, Austria sau Slovenia.
+Tiberian, Mircea
Mircea Tiberian (n. 4 mai 1955) este un pianist si compozitor roman de jazz. Nascut la Cluj, pe data de 4 mai 1955, si-a petrecut copilaria si adolescenta la Sibiu, iar in 1975 s-a mutat la Bucuresti, unde traieste si in prezent. In 1980, a absolvit Conservatorul din Bucuresti.
A debutat in 1974 la Festivalul International de la Sibiu, iar intre anii 1979-1981 a fost membru al Teatrului Muzical 'Ion Vasilescu' din Bucuresti. Apoi pina in 1984 a lucrat in studiouri de inregistrari ca pianist si aranjator. Din 1984 pina in 1986 este co-leader al cvartetului Mircea Tiberian - Liviu Butoi, intre '86 și '89 al grupului Opus 4, iar din '89 pina in '90 este conducator al trio-ului 'Labirint', si intre 1991-1992 al 'Romanian All Stars'. In perioada 1990-1993 este membru al 'Romanian Big Band', iar in anul 1998 co-fondator al Orchestrei Interzone Jazz. A participat la diverse proiecte multi-media: Incursiuni (1996), Liniada (1999), Agnus Dei (2000) si a condus mai multe grupuri de jazz sub propriul sau nume.
A avut turnee in Statele Unite, Franta , Germania, Austria, Polonia, Cehia, Bulgaria, Grecia, Siria si Romania. A cintat alaturi de Larry Coryell, Tomasz Stanko, Herb Robertson, Ed Shuller, Nicholas Simion, Adam Pieronczyk, Maurice de Martin, Theo Jorgensmann, Johnny Raducanu, Aura Urziceanu, Dan Mandrila, Anca Parghel.
Mircea Tiberian este lector la Universitatea de Muzica din Bucuresti, la sectia de jazz pe care, de altfel, a si infiintat-o in 1990. Este fondatorul si coordonatorul Departamentului de Jazz din Bucuresti (incepand cu 1990 si pina in prezent) si din Cluj (incepand cu 1996 si pina in prezent). Mircea Tiberian mai este si autor al 'Curriculumului de Jazz' pentru liceele de muzica din Romania.
Printre premiile obtinute de Mircea Tiberian se numara: Muzicianul Roman al Anului (1987); Premiul Uniunii Compozitorilor pentru compozitie jazz (1990, 1996, 2000); Premiul pentru Intreaga Activitate Artistica (Asociatia de jazz Napocensis, 2001).
+Urziceanu, Aura
Aura Urziceanu (n. 14 decembrie 1946, Bucuresti) este o cantareata si compozitoare de jazz din Romania, considerata una dintre cele mai importante voci romanesti ale genului. In primii sai ani de activitate a interpretat muzica usoara, iar mai tarziu a abordat si repertoriul de muzica populara romaneasca.
In primavara lui 1966, cantareata este distribuita in spectacolul Jazz–jazz–jazz, prezentat la Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat, alaturi de pianistul Janos Korossy, contrabasistul Johnny Raducanu, bateristul Miki Manaila si balerinele Miriam Raducanu si Cecilia Hoppe. Se face remarcata in jazz cu o adaptare a Rapsodiei romane nr. 1 de George Enescu.
Interpreta sustine turnee in compania celor mai prestigioase orchestre romanesti de jazz si de muzica usoara. In continuare concerteaza in tara, apoi din nou in Uniunea Sovietica (1968) si inapoi in tara, cu pianistul Horia Ropcea. Urmeaza concerte impreuna cu Edmond Deda la pian, sustinute la sala „Dalles” si la Teatrul „Ion Vasilescu” din capitala.
In 1972, Aura Urziceanu isi face debutul international pe scena de la Carnegie Hall (New York) cu formatia pianistului si sefului de orchestra american Duke Ellington. Va mai canta alaturi de alte nume importante ale muzicii de jazz, precum cantareata Ella Fitzgerald, pianistii Bill Evans, Ahmad Jamal si Hank Jones, seful de orchestra Quincy Jones, trompetistii Dizzy Gillespie si Thad Jones, saxofonistul Paul Desmond, chitaristul Joe Pass si bateristul Mel Lewis.
Efectueaza turnee si in Australia, Brazilia, Bulgaria, Franta, Germania, Italia, Japonia, Polonia, Regatul Unit, Statele Unite ale Americii etc. Face parte din juriile unor concursuri internationale desfasurate la New York si Toronto.
+Vernescu, Marius
Marius Vernescu (n. 6 iulie 1972, Bucuresti) este singurul jazzman roman care a fost distins in 2002 cu Marele Premiu la Montreux, cel mai cunoscut festival de gen din Europa. Marius Vernescu a inceput studiul pianului la 7 ani, apoi a urmat Liceul de Muzica "Dinu Lipatti" si a devenit student al Universitatii Nationale de Muzica Bucuresti timp de doi ani. Intre timp, a inceput sa se afirme ca pianist de jazz, colaborand si cantand alaturi de Garbis Dedeian, Tudy Zaharescu, Anca Parghel sau Emil Soumah.
A participat la Festivalurile de Jazz de la Sibiu, Brasov, Iasi, Costinesti si Timisoara, dar si in Grecia (Corinthos si Atena), Italia, Austria sau Ungaria (Budapesta). Dupa ce si-a desavarsit studiile in strainatate (Academia de Jazz - Hanovra, Germania) si dupa absolvirea cursurilor de vara de la Graz (Austria), a revenit in Romania.
+Weiner, Paul
Paul Weiner (n. 1947, Timisoara) este un compozitor si pianist german de origine romana.
Absolvent al Institutului de electrotehnică din Timisoara, a invatat de copil sa cante la pian (muzica clasica), dar a fost atras inca din tinerete de muzica de jazz, careia i-a dedicat majoritatea carierei sale profesionale ulterioare. Membru fondator al clubului de jazz ARLUS din Timisoara. A participat la multe festivaluri de jazz, atat in Romania (Brasov, Sibiu, Garana etc.) cat si in strainatate (Bratislava, Weinsberg etc.). Printre formatiile pe care le-a fondat se numara Paul Weiner Jazz Quartet/Quintet, Paul Weiner Trio si Gramophon.
Actualmente stabilit la Heidelberg(Germania), unde a emigrat in 1977.
+Zan, Luiza
Luiza Zan (n.1980) a si-a inceput cariera in muzica de la varsta de 4 ani, cand a castigat premiul I intr-un concurs pentru soimii patriei din timpul epocii comuniste. Douazeci de ani mai tarziu, aceeasi piesa interpretata la concursul pentru copii ("Frunzulita d'alior") ii aduce premiul I la Festivalul International Cerbul de Aur, din iulie 2004, la exact o saptamana dupa cucerirea unui prestigios premiu al II-lea la Festivalul de Jazz din Montreux, Elvetia.
Luiza Zan a studiat canto clasic (lied-oratoriu si opera) timp de 9 ani consecutiv, urmand cursurile Liceului de Arta din Piatra Neamt si pe cele ale Universitatii de Arte Iasi, insa de-a lungul anilor de studiu a participat la nenumarate competitii de jazz unde a castigat diverse premii.
Cele mai importante distinctii sunt cele obtinute in Montreux - premiul juriului in 2003 si premiul al II-lea in 2004, concursul in sine oferindu-i sansa de a canta acompaniata de muzicieni de renume precum Geri Allen, Bob Hurst, Eric Harland sau Omar Hakim, iar premiile i-au fost acordate de un juriu format din prestigioase nume precum Angelique Kidjo. La Gala Premiilor de Jazz din 2004, eveniment organizat de Radiodifuziunea Română, i se acorda Premiul Confirmarii. Printre numeroșii muzicieni cu care a cantat se numara Rick Condit, profesor si saxofonist din Statele Unite care a cantat cu Ella Fitzgerald big band, Mircea Tiberian, Romeo Cosma, Ion Baciu Jr., Armen Donelian, Jurgen Bothner, Arthur Balogh, Vlaicu Golcea, Vlad Popescu, Sorin Romanescu, Electric Brother, Dj Vasile, Jimi Cserkesz, Eddie Neumann si altii.